If you’re a keen runner and want to pick up the pace, then Olympic Sprinter, Imani-Lara Lansiquot has designed a workout especially for you. With the moves she uses to thrash her opponents on the track.
Here’s what she had to say about the workout:
“Sprinting is all about being reactive. Whether that be pushing off the running blocks, or getting your feet off the ground as quickly as possible, or even reacting to the competitors around you. A lot of my training is based around refining these skills and ensuring that my pace and rhythm is on point from the second the starting gun goes off.
This workout is based around some quirky reactivity drills that I personally do in training, that focus on speed skills and specifically reaction time. Try these out before a short sprint session and see the difference!”

Repeat each exercise 3 times before moving onto the next, then see how many rounds you can get of the whole workout in 20-30 minutes.
1. Crawl to sprint
I personally love this drill as it is an ab-burner as well as a challenging position to sprint from. Whilst crawling, aim to move your arms and legs at the same time whilst maintaining control at the core.
2. Push up to sprint
Getting your arms activated is really important for sprinting, so press-up to sprint is a great way to warm up those biceps and get them ready to explode forwards for the sprint. To make this drill harder, set a timer for 10-15 seconds of press-ups and when the alarm sets off, sprint as hard as you can!
3. Cone drills
These drills are great for building up multi-dimensional skills as well as reactivity. Make it harder by using more cones before you sprint.
4. Bunny hops
These are a classic reactivity drill, and I will usually do these three times, each time aiming to get my feet off the ground as quickly as possible. To help, use a metronome app to keep on rhythm and pace.
5. Skips for height
These are probably my favourite plyometric drills and I usually do them for 20-30 metres. Use your take off leg to be as explosive in the air as you can.
Take home message
While you may not think it, strength and power are vital for picking up that running pace. Imani’s workout packed with plyometric and strengthening moves crossed with high-intensity sprints is the perfect way to improve your running performance.